Sonntag, 17. August 2014

Gemeinsamer Appell des päpstlichen Gesandten und des Patriarchen Sako

Rorate-caeli berichtet aus dem Irak:             klicken

Der Gesandte des Heiligen Stuhls in den Irak, Kardinal F.Filoni hat,- begleitet vom Chaldäischen Patriarchen Sako, dem Apostolischen  Nuntius und den Ortsbischöfen-die christlichen Flüchtlinge und überlebende Yeziden, sowie die lokalen Autoritäten in Erbil und in der Provinz Duboq besucht.
Sie hörten aus erster Hand von der Tragödie der Familien, die Dörfer und Städte, Häuser und Besitz- vor allem in Mosul und in der Ebene von Ninive- verlassen mußten und konnten deren Folgen mit eigenen Augen sehen.
Was sie hörten und sahen, veranlaßte sie, einen gemeinsamen Appell an die Weltöffentlichkeit und die internationale Gemeinschaft zu richten und sie aufzufordern, ihre moralische Verantwortung ernst zu nehmen.

Chaldean Catholic Patriarch and Holy See Envoy to Iraq:
An Appeal to the International Community

Press Release of the Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans

[August 16, 2014]

The Special Envoy of the Holy Father in Iraq, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, accompanied by Patriarch Sako, by the Apostolic Nuncio, and the local bishops, met with the political authorities of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan and visited the Christian refugees as well as the Yezidi and others in the provinces of Duhoq and Erbil.

They heard about and saw for themselves the tragedy and suffering of so many families that have left their villages, their homes and property, above all in Mosul, on the plain of Nineveh, and in Sinjar.  What they heard and saw has compelled them to join in a new appeal from the Patriarch in asking the International Community, and in particular to countries and international organizations that take their moral responsibilities seriously:

1.     To intervene immediately in bringing help in providing basic necessities: water, food, medical supplies,  sanitary services, etc.

2.     To liberate the villages and other places that have been occupied as soon as possible and with a permanent result.  The hope of these people must not be allowed to die!

3.     To assure that there is international protection for these villages and so to encourage these families to go back to their homes and to continue to live a normal life in security and peace.  Many times did the people cry out to us:   help us to return to just living our lives!

[See also: Help Iraq, a direct Chaldean Catholic donation project]

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